.air file extension
- .air
- 1. Adobe AIR installation package file.
A .air file is a file format from Adobe. AIR stands for "Adobe Integrated Runtime". A .air file is a compressed archive which contains all of the files and folders needed by an Adobe AIR application. It is possible to view the contents of the .air file by renaming it to .zip and using a standard unzip tool.
- 2. Automated Image Registration linear spatial transformation file.
A .air file contains linear spatial transformations for the AIR package. AIR stands for "Automated Image Registration".
For more information see:
- http://air.bmap.ucla.edu/ - Automated Image Registration homepage.
- http://air.bmap.ucla.edu/AIR5/file_types.html - AIR file types.
Can you add to this? Do you know of any applications not already listed which will work with .air files, view .air files or open .air files? Are you able to contribute any additional reference information or file format information about .air files or have you spotted any errors or omissions? If so please let us know by emailing us at feedback@cryer.co.uk - Thank you.