.scb file extension
- .scb
- 1. Published Scala script file.
A .scb file is generated from a .sca file. It may be password protected and cannot be reverse engineered to a .sca file.
For more information see:
- www.scala.com - Scala home page.
- 2. Scribble document file.
Scribble was a sample application program (complete with source code) provided by Microsoft as part of the tutorial supplied with Microsoft Visual C++.
- 3. AI scripting file.
Used by Command & Conquer (C&C), Blitzkrieg and other gaming systems.
- 4. SuperCard game guide eBook file. This is an eBook file for SuperCard.
Can you add to this? Do you know of any applications not already listed which will work with .scb files, view .scb files or open .scb files? Are you able to contribute any additional reference information or file format information about .scb files or have you spotted any errors or omissions? If so please let us know by emailing us at feedback@cryer.co.uk - Thank you.