Brian Cryer's Web Resources

CryEcho: Examples of use

CryEcho is a free command line utility which displays messages to standard-out, but without automatically adding a newline. It is intended for use in batch files.

Examples of things you can do with CryEcho:

Simple dot line to show activity

Displaying a dot every now and then is a very simple technique to show progress on a long running batch file. Then animated gif to the left shows what the end effect can look like.

To implement this simply add:

CryEcho .

after each section in the batch file.

The animated gif above was based on the following batch file:

@echo off
rem Example showing how to use CryEcho to produce a dot line to show activity.

cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho .
call :DoSomeWork
cryecho \n
echo Finished.
goto :eof

ping -n 2 localhost > nul
goto :eof


Spinning wheel

A spinning wheel is another technique to show activity during a long running batch file. In this case a spinning wheel is made up of the characters "-", "\", "|" and "/". Each time the next character in the sequence is printed it is followed by a backspace which allows any other printing to simply overprint the wheel.

There are a number of different ways this could be implemented. The simplest would be to add each of:

CryEcho -\b

CryEcho \\\b

CryEcho -q "|"\b
CryEcho -\b

through out the batch file.

Note the -q when printing the bar ("|"), this is because without the quotes DOS treats the bar as a pipe. The -q flag simply strips away the quotes.

In practise this becomes a headache when making changes to the batch file. The following script (on which the animated gif above was based on) makes a call to give the appearance of a spinning wheel:

@echo off
rem Example showing how to use CryEcho to produce a spinning wheel to show activity.

CryEcho Working ... 
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork
call :SpinAlive
call :DoSomeWork

cryecho \s\nFinished.

goto :eof

ping -n 1 localhost > nul
goto :eof

if "%Spinner%" == "2" (
cryecho \\\b
) else if "%Spinner%" == "3" (
cryecho -q "|"\b
) else if "%Spinner%" == "4" (
cryecho /\b
set Spinner=0
) else (
cryecho -\b
set Spinner=1
set /A Spinner=%Spinner%+1
goto :eof
