.msc file extension
- .msc
- 1. Microsoft (Windows) Management Console (MMC)
snap-in file.
These files provide additional functionality which can be used only within the Microsoft Management Console. However they can normally be treated as executable (in the sense that you can double click them or type the name at the command line) because trying to open a .msc file should automatically open the Microsoft Management Console.
A .msc file is also known as an MMC plug-in file.
Whilst this list may not be comprehensive, the following is a list of windows snap-ins:
Snap in file Description Availability adfs.msc AD Federation services. admgmt.msc Active Directory Management, domains, sites, DNS and ADUC. Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack azman.msc Authentication Manager. certlm.msc Certificate Manager (Local machine store). certmgr.msc Certificate Manager (Current User). certsrv.msc Certification authority. certtmpl.msc Certificate templates. comexp.msc Component services. compmgmt.msc Computer management. dcpol.msc Domain Controller Security policy. Windows domain controllers only. devmgmt.msc Device manager. diskmgmt.msc Disk management. dfsgui.msc DFS management. dfsmgmt.msc DFS Management R2 dnsmgmt.msc DNS management. domain.msc Domains and Trusts. dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers dssite.msc Sites and Services. eventvwr.msc Event viewer. fsmgmt.msc Shared folders management. gpedit.msc Local group policy editor. gpmc.msc Group policy management console. ipaddrmgmt.msc WINS, DNS and DHCP. Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack. lusrmgr.msc Local users and groups. napclcfg.msc Network access protection client configuration. Windows Server 2008. perfmon.msc Performance monitor. pkmgmt.msc PKI Management, Authorities and Templates. Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack. pkview.msc PKI management. printermanagement.msc Printer management. rsop.msc Resultant set of policy. secpol.msc Local security policy. servermanager.msc Server manager. Windows Server 2008. services.msc Services. schmmgmt.msc Schema management. storexpl.msc Storage manager. Windows Server 2008. taskschd.msc Task schedular. tpm.msc Trusted platform module management. tscc.msc TS Configuration. wf.msc Windows Firewall and Advanced Security. Windows Server 2008. wmimgmt.msc Windows Management Instrumentation control. Be aware that not all snap-ins listed in the table above will be available on all versions of Windows.
For more information see:
- www.wilsonmar.com/1mmcs.htm - List of .msc files found on most Windows PCs and what they do.
- www.ilopia.com/FAQ/Q50.aspx - Partial list of .msc files found on a Windows 2003 server.
- 2. CRiSP (fish) stocks and estimates file.
CRiSP is a system for salmon harvest forecasting.
For more information see:
- www.cbr.washington.edu/crisp/models/crisp2manual/users29d1.html - File format information.
Can you add to this? Do you know of any applications not already listed which will work with .msc files, view .msc files or open .msc files? Are you able to contribute any additional reference information or file format information about .msc files or have you spotted any errors or omissions? If so please let us know by emailing us at feedback@cryer.co.uk - Thank you.