Brian Cryer's Web Resources

.ops file extension

Microsoft Outlook Profile Settings file.

A .ops file is created using the Microsoft Office "Save My Settings Wizard", which is located in the Office Tools menu. It contains settings (including Outlook account settings) exported from Microsoft Office. The same "Save My Settings Wizard" allows the settings to be imported from a .ops file. This information is correct for Office 2003, and may also apply to other versions of Microsoft Office.

In Office XP the tool used to import from or export to a .ops file was called the Profile Wizard.

Can you add to this? Do you know of any applications not already listed which will work with .ops files, view .ops files or open .ops files? Are you able to contribute any additional reference information or file format information about .ops files or have you spotted any errors or omissions? If so please let us know by emailing us at feedback@cryer.co.uk - Thank you.