Brian Cryer's Web Resources

Brian Cryer's Glossary of IT Terms with Links


Create, Read, Update, Delete.

CRUD is a design paradigm commonly used by restful web services and storage devices. It defines the four basic functions that the web service or storage device need to provide:

Create new entries.

Depending on the context, "Create" may be referred to as "Add" or "Insert".

In SQL this would be "insert".

For a web request this would be "POST".

Read an existing entry.

Depending on the context, "Read" may be referred to as "Get", "Search", "View", "Retrieve" or "Select".

In SQL this would be "select".

For a web request this would be "GET".

Update an existing entry, changing something about it.

Depending on the context, "Update" may also be referred to as "Edit" or "Modify".

In SQL this would be "update".

For a web request this would be "PUT".

Delete removes an existing entry.

Depending on the context, "Delete" may also be referred to as "Destroy", "Remove", "Erase" or "Deactivate".

In SQL this would be "delete".

For a web request this would be "DELETE".

For more information see: