- Newsgroup
- A UseNet discussion forum relating to a
specific subject or topic. Newsgroups are public discussion forums. In
order to participate in a newsgroup forum, you will need a newsgroup
reader (of which many are freely available). Each Newsgroup (of which
there are many thousands) consist of electronic messages, called posts. Each
post can either be to create a new discussion thread or may be in
response to an existing discussion thread.
Messages posted to a newsgroup are known as "articles", as each is assigned a unique article-ID (which most newsgroup readers do not make visible). In discussions however messages are more commonly referred to as "posts".
Newsgroups use the NNTP protocol, although some websites exist which provide a web-based (HTTP based) interface to newsgroups.
c.f. multi-post, cross-post.
For more information see:
- - Provides articles on Newsgroups and newsgroup participation.
- - Managed newsgroup archive, providing an archive of a limited number of newsgroups.
- - For finding a public newsgroup server carrying a particular newsgroup.
- - GigaNews service, one of the best newsgroup providers.