Review of LunarPages was in founded in 2000, but its parent company had been established in the hosting market for several years before that. Since then it has become a very popular hosting provider and is widely recognised as one of the market leaders.
The information below is based on their basic package. Whilst it is believed to be correct, the services included in their basic package are likely to change over time so please treat this information as a guide and check before signing up.
URL: | |
Basic package: | Their basic package is called "Shuttle" and this is a shared server solution. |
Starting price: | The price for the "Shuttle" package varies according to how far you are willing to pay in advance. To pay for 1 year in advance works out at $6.95/month plus no set-up fee, paying 3 months in advance and this raises to $9.95/month plus $30 set-up fee. Prices correct when last checked, but prices change so please check before signing up. |
Geographical location: | USA. |
Domain registration: | .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name, .us
You do not need to register your domain through them or transfer your domain to them in order to use their hosting services. So, whilst you couldn't order (or manage) a domain through them, you could host it with them. |
Virtual Private Server: | |
Dedicated Server: | |
Data transfer: | 3,500 GB/month. Option to pay for additional data transfer. |
Bandwidth: | Unrestricted. |
Web space: | 350 GB. Option to pay for additional space. |
Max websites per hosting account: | 10 |
POP3: | |
Web based e-mail: | E-mail can be accessed via a browser. |
SMTP: | |
Sub-domains: | unlimited. |
IP address: | Shared IP address. |
Web Statistics: | Uses Webalizer ( |
Log File: | |
Database: | MySQL |
Backup: | They also allow you to download your own backup files. |
FTP access: | |
Front page extensions: | |
Support: | On-line information, forum, e-mail, telephone. According to their website this is toll free, but click on their support link and they guide you down the direction of e-mail support. |
PHP: | |
Perl: | |
Python: | |
SSL: | |
SSI: | |
ASP: | |
The information on this page is believed to be correct. If you find any errors or omissions please report these via e-mail to: