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Windows Hyper-V-Server 2012

What is Hyper-V-Server? Hyper-V-Server is a cut down version of Microsoft Windows Server, which allows you to host one or more virtual machines. It provides the same functionality as found in Hyper-V on Windows server (or Windows 8), but without the graphic user interface or any other extras so it can only be configured using the command line. Whilst the command line interface isn't as easy to use as the GUI interface would be, it does have one big advantage - its free!

These are notes I've made while working with Microsoft Hyper-V-Server. Of all the notes I've made the following four are probably the most important:

The rest of my how-to notes:

One line how-tos:

  • Change label on disk:
    label c:
  • List users:
    net user
  • Delete an account:
    net user username /delete
  • Create an account
    net user username password /add
    or use sconfig to create a new administrator account.
  • List local groups
    net localgroup
  • List members of a local group:
    net localgroup "group-name"
  • List local groups that a user is a member of:
    net user username
  • Add a user to a local group
    net localgroup group-name username /add
  • Remove a user from a local group
    net localgroup group-name username /delete
  • Create a network share (read only)
    net share share-name=C:\some-folder
  • Delete a network share
    net share share-name /delete
  • Create a network share, writable for an account
    net share share-name=C:\some-folder /grant:account,full


Useful links

These are off site pages which I have found useful while learning hyper-v-server, some of these are aimed at server-core but in general these apply equally to hyper-v-server:

About the author: is a dedicated software developer and webmaster. For his day job he develops websites and desktop applications as well as providing IT services. He moonlights as a technical author and consultant.