File extensions that start with non-letters. This page contains a list of file extensions that do not start with a letter together with a brief description. For further information about a file extension click on the file extension from the list below. If you require information about a file extension starting with a different letter then follow one of the links above.
- .$$$ - Temporary file.
- .~ - Outlook express address book backup.
- .~df - Backup of Delphi form file.
- .~dfm - Backup of Delphi form file.
- .~dp - Backup of Delphi project file.
- .~dpr - Backup of Delphi project file.
- .~pa - Backup of Delphi source file.
- .~pas - Backup of Delphi source file.
- .123 - Lotus 123 spreadsheet file.
- .12da - 12d Model ASCII exchange format.
- .1st - Text read-me file.
- .2gr - Windows 3.x file.
- .256 - Descent 2 palette file.
- .3dt - 3D Topicscape database file.
- .386 - Windows 3.x swap file.
- .3gp - Third generation (media) file.
- .3gr - Windows 3.x file.
- .411 - Sony Mavica data file.
- .4th - Forth language source file.
- .7z - 7-zip compressed archive file.
- .7z.001 - First part of a 7-zip compressed archive.
- .7z.002 - Second part of a 7-zip compressed archive.
- .906 - Calcomp plotter file.
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