.X files
This page contains a list of file extensions that start with .X. The page contains summary information only, for further information about a file extension click on the file extension from the list below. If you require information about a file extension starting with a different letter then follow one of the links above.
- .x - 3d mesh file / RPC language source file.
- .xaml -XAML file.
- .xap - Silverlight application.
- .xar - Vector graphics file / Excel auto-recover save file.
- .xbm - X windows cursor or bitmap.
- .xcf - GIMP image file.
- .xhtml - XHTML web page
- .xif - Image file / Pagis scanned document image file.
- .xla - Microsoft Excel VBA add-in file.
- .xlam - Microsoft Excel add-in file.
- .xlb - Microsoft Excel toolbar file.
- .xlc - Microsoft Excel Chart file.
- .xld - Microsoft Excel Dialog file.
- .xlk - Microsoft Excel Archive file.
- .xll - Microsoft Excel add-in file.
- .xlm - Microsoft Excel Macro file.
- .xlr - Microsoft Works spreadsheet.
- .xls - Excel spreadsheet.
- .xlsb - Excel binary workbook.
- .xlsm - Macro enabled Microsoft Excel (XML) Spreadsheet file.
- .xlsx - Excel (XML) Spreadsheet file.
- .xlt - Excel template.
- .xltm - Excel macro enabled template file.
- .xlv - Microsoft Excel Module file.
- .xlw - Microsoft Excel Workspace file.
- .xml - Generic XML file extension.
- .xpf - Homestead SiteBuilder file.
- .xpi - Cross-Platform Installer Module.
- .xps - XML Paper Specification document.
- .xrp - RationalPlan project file / Gamemaker external resources file.
- .xsd - XML schema definition file.
- .xslt - Extensible Style-sheet Language Transformation file.
- .xspf - XML Shareable Playlist Format file.
- .xtf - eXtended Triton Format file.
- .xxx - Virtual PC Temporary file.
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